Where we can learn from Borland Delphi is basic to professional, from the history of Borland Delphi and many examples of project programs created with Borland Delphi. You also get to know all about Borland Delphi

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Tuesday, December 13, 2016



Hello good evening my friend,  we see again in the same discussion, namely regarding Borland Delphi. Already a lot of buddies who know the advantages and disadvantages of these applications, and many also know the history of manufacturing, and had also understands how to create a project that uses Borland Delphi applications. But there are still many who do not know what exactly Borland Delphi, and also navigation menu on Borland Delphi.

Borland Delphi is one of the software or object-based application development program pascal produced by Borland. Borland Delphi 7 can be used fatherly create application programs such as games, the Internet, and even database applications. specially for database programming, Delphi provides a more complete failitas that allows the programmer to make the program reliable and very easy to learn for the novice programmer. The format of the database that can be accessed by Borland Delphi such as MySQL, Ms.Access, Oracle, and many more.

Opening applications Borland Delphi 7

Running applications Borland Delphi is easy, there are various ways to open and run the application, the first step stayed double-click Borland Delphi 7 applications that exist on the computer desktop  or friend can click Start >> Then click on an existing Delphi 7 dimenu or you can click start >> select all programs >> select Borland Delphi 7 >> click the Delphi 7. Borland Delphi program the initial display will be as below.

Figure IDE Borland Delphi 7

By the way about the IDE no one knows what it is IDE? a lot of questions about what the IDE, IDE's what, who's IDE and live where. hehehehe Not so, the purpose of the IDE stands (Integrated Development Environment) is a place or environment that provides the key to the order, the place to design a place to run and test applications are presented with easy to develop the program.

Main Windows

Main windows have the same functionality as the main windows that exist in other Windows applications,  contained in Borland Delphi 7 application consists of three parts, namely, the Main Menu, Component Palette, and Toolbar. Main windows on Borland Delphi have functions that are easy to understand.

Main Menu

Main menu is actually all of the existing sections in Borland Delphi can be found on the main menu, such as adding forms, running programs, stop programs, choosing tools and so on. in the Borland Delphi 7 main menu consists of 9 parts:
  1. file
  2. Edit
  3. Search
  4. View
  5. Project
  6. Run
  7. Component
  8. Database
  9. Tools
  10. Windows
  11. Help

Component Palette

Component palette contains all the icons tools of the Borland Delphi. The icons symbolize their respective functions that exist in Borland Delphi. In the component palette page there are some controls among the following:
  1. Standart
  2. Additional
  3. Win32
  4. System
  5. Data Access
  6. Data Controls
  7. DbExpress
  8. DataSnap
  9. BDE
  10. ADO
  11. InterBase
  12. WebServices
  13. InsternetExpress
  14. Internet
  15. WebSnap
  16. DecisionCube
  17. Dialogs
  18. Win 3.1
  19. Samples
  20. AxtiveX
  21. Rave
  22. Indy Clients
  23. Indy Servers
  24. Indy Intercepts
  25. Indy I/O Handlers
  26. Indy Misc
  27. COM+
  28. InterBase Admin
  29. IW Standart
  30. IW Data
  31. IW Client side
  32. IW Control
  33. Servers

Form Desain

Form is the place where we create a dialog program. first time you open the Borland Delphi 7 we will be presented with a blank form named form1, where we can design a program as we want to add an icon to icon functions that exist in the component palette like a label, textbox, button etc.

Code Editor

Code editor is a place to make a script coding is pointless to write the script programming language that made components to function. Usually the code editor is not visible, we can see it in a Click >>> view on the main menu and select Toggle form / unit box will appear the code editor.

Object Inspector

Object Inspector is used to change a characteristic or a procedure on a component and there are two tabs on the object inspector that is, properties and events. Initially seen only properties that are used to alter the characteristics of the component including changing the name, caption, color etc. and next events, initially invisible. we can see it by clicking on the tab will display the events of the events tab. usually for events serve to change the procedure on the selected component.

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