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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Creating Main Menu At Borland Delphi 7



Hello good morning my friend, on the day this bright buddy's kind of you want a little give his knowledge learned internship in land transport company who was in need of a payroll application and this also as an ingredient I made a college thesis. The knowledge I learned this, I hope to provide some benefits for you so that you learn more and more professional in Borland Delphi, although the knowledge I share this is just basic science controlled by the professionals out there.

Want friend can make the main menu like this.?

Or like this ..?

The example above is a bit of some of the programs I have ever made use applications Borland Delphi 7. Well buddy can also make it that way, and the way he was very easy.
Purpose program given the main menu is so not a lot of open form and all forms or command resides in one place neatly arranged.

Usually the programs that use the main menu is a program that has been a large-scale and most certainly is already connected to the database. The main menu normally appears after we did Login beforehand so that only a few members can sign into the application. In addition, not all members or users have full access to the application program. Usually there are some things that should not be like changing the user access a predefined value of the company.

Value or things that can not be changed by the user is to provide unlimited space for the user to not manipulate the data. Users simply as penginput data or simply create a report that is automatically created in the program. People or users who can change and know the content of all programs is usually admin or the leader of the company itself. So Admin can see add update delete everything that exists in the application program. So it could be to monitor the user who conduct transactions directly and up to date.

Talk about the main menu, which use components in order to create a main menu that contains the main menu on the windows program.?
We can use components that exist on the main menu located on the component palette tab standards. Well we just make the main menu using Borland Delphi 7.

  • The first step we have to make is to open the application Borland Delphi, do not forget to turn on the computer in advance if you want to open the application. After the computer turns on then we go to the Borland Delphi application by way of Click Start >> All Programs >> >> Borland Delphi Delphi 7. It will open the application program Borland Delphi.

  • WHAT....????? YOU have not had Applications Borland Delphi 7 ..... hehehehehehe. easy, just go to THIS page you will have the software and tutorials how to install Borland application delphinya friend ..
  • After installing and opening applications buddy Borland Delphi 7 then you just create the main menu.
  • Click Main Menu of the Component palette on the standard tabs, just double click it, it will immediately appear on the form designer.
  • After appearing Icon Main menu component in the form design to stay at the click will display a new window where we make the main menu to the main menu of our program.
  • You just enter the menu and submenu as required by changing the Caption fit our needs, for example.
  1. File menu with a submenu employee data, attendance data, Data Allowance, Pieces Data, User Data.
  2. The second Menu transaction , which contains submenus payment
  3. Reports menu  with sub menus employee data report, attendance report, Report allowances, Pieces Reports, Payment Report.
  4. Menu utility with sub menu Change Password
  5. Exit menu to exit the program.

Well pretty easy right pal how to create a main menu in Borland Delphi 7 program using the main menu on the Tool palette. Pretty much for it that I can share to my friend on this occasion, may I share a little knowledge is useful and can make science more for my friend let me become more adept and Professional Delphi programmer. AMIN

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